i have integrated the cesium with unity and i have added the google maps api key in token option then i have added the blank tiles in the scene but when i url in tileset source and setting the google api the error is showing instead of map that is "[2024-09-06 19:22:37.937] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:697] Error when parsing tileset JSON, error code Invalid value. at byte offset 0
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Reinterop.ReinteropInitializer:UnityEngine_Debug_CallLog_FA05wu8x__otZNsgdHTnU9A (intptr) (at ./Reinterop/Reinterop.RoslynSourceGenerator/ReinteropInitializer.cs:13161)
Reinterop.ReinteropInitializer/ActionNativeFunction:Invoke () (at ./Reinterop/Reinterop.RoslynSourceGenerator/ReinteropInitializer.cs:9887)
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()" can anyone please me with this problem . I am not able to add any map through quick add also same error is showing
i have added the google maps api key in token option
In Cesium for Unity, the word “token” almost always refers to tokens for Cesium ion, our platform for hosting and streaming geospatial data. This is entirely separate from the Google Maps API Key.
Just so you know, you can stream Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles through Cesium ion! But if you don’t want to use Cesium ion, you have to stream the data through a URL containing your API key. The Google Maps Platform should have tutorials to help with this.
Here when i click on cesium in unity after adding cesium in unity . There comes 2 options
cesium ion assets
Then I have clicked the cesium then cesium options started showing on the screen then I have clicked the token option, after clicking there is a option specify a token there i specify the google api key . After that I add blank 3d tiles into the scene there when I click it , there is a option coming tileset source I click it and select from Url and the Url option gets active there I write the url with the api key and click enter after doing this in the console of unity it starts showing the error in the console. Also same error is showing when I am adding Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles through Cesium ion
specify a token there i specify the google api key
You should not paste your Google API key into this window. The Token panel is exclusively used by Cesium ion. So pasting your Google API key won’t work – it will be considered an invalid token.
I would remove your token from this field, or replace it with a valid ion token, so that the Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles can actually stream into the level. Please let me know if you have any other concerns.
firstly i tried using the google api key in the specify token after your suggestion i created a new token after that also same problem persists. Can refer me with videos or posts where i can get to know how I can do it .
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Reinterop.ReinteropInitializer:UnityEngine_Debug_CallLog_FA05wu8x__otZNsgdHTnU9A (intptr) (at ./Reinterop/Reinterop.RoslynSourceGenerator/ReinteropInitializer.cs:13161)
Reinterop.ReinteropInitializer/ActionNativeFunction:Invoke () (at ./Reinterop/Reinterop.RoslynSourceGenerator/ReinteropInitializer.cs:9887)
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()" Can you please help me with this.