passing an access token to mapbox

Hi all,

Is there a way to pass the access token to utilized the mapbox v4 maps ? The zoomlevel and maps must be in the middle in order to get the maps

The problem is that Cesium does this:

which will fail on the access



Hi, I have the same problem loading the mapbox v4 maps in Cesium, mapbox v3 maps works fine but can not get v4 maps to work, please advise...

Hello, im facing the same situation, have any of you solved??? please let me know!!!

Thank you!!!

Hello, as I recently wrote, I was facing the same situation, but i Fix it using the next code:

var mapBoxImageryProvider = new Cesium.OpenStreetMapImageryProvider({
  url : ‘’,
  fileExtension : ‘png?access_token=my.token’,
  credit : new Cesium.Credit(
      ‘MapBox v4.0’, credit,

I use the fileExtension option to pass my token.

It generates the Url like this:

Hope it helps!!!!