Performance of Cesium.CylinderGraphics, need help


For the last few months I have been working on a satellite simulation using CesiumJS. Part of this simulation is displaying approx. 100 nadir pointing sensors. I implemented the sensors using the Cesium.CylinderGraphics class.

I am getting rather poor performance: around 7 to 4 FPS. I have a Sandcastle demo that just creates 100 entities with CylinderGraphics and it gets around 9 to 10 FPS in my laptop. In my simulation, with all the other entities created (around 500 more), I am getting around 4 FPS and the entire display moves with a stuttering motion.

The simulation is implemented entirely using the Entity API. I am using CesiumJS 1.72. A VM running CentOS 7 is used for the NodeJS server but the browser is MS Edge (Version 85.0.564.70 64 bit) running in the host system, a Windows 10 Enterprise Release 1909. The hardware is an Alienware M15 laptop w. a Pentium 7 and 16 GB of RAM.

I have tried configuring Edge to use the laptop’s Nvidia GPU with no luck. It insists on using the Intel GPU but checking with Task Manager, the browser does not seem to be graphics nor network bound.

So my questions are:

  1. Why do CylinderGraphics have such high CPU usage?

  2. Would switching to the Primitive API help (for the display of cylinders)?

I tried adding my original Sandcastle code below but could not as it was too big nor could I upload it with this email. I shrank the position data array, hopefully it will work.

Jose Rodriguez

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(“cesiumContainer”);
viewer.scene.debugShowFramesPerSecond = true;

var positionList = [


var startTime = new Cesium.JulianDate());
var numberCones = 100;

for (var j=0; j<numberCones;j++) {
var sampledPosition = new Cesium.SampledPositionProperty();
sampledPosition.forwardExtrapolationType = Cesium.ExtrapolationType.HOLD;

for (var i=0; i<positionList.length; i++) {
// console.log(positionList[i][0]);
var timeInterval = positionList[i][0];
var lon = positionList[i][2];
var lat = positionList[i][1];
var alt = positionList[i][3];
var modifiedLon = parseFloat(lon) + (3.5*j);

var positionTime = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds(startTime, timeInterval, new Cesium.JulianDate())
sampledPosition.addSample(positionTime, Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(modifiedLon, lat, 200000.0));

// console.log('data ’ + lon + ’ ’ + lat + ’ ’ +positionTime);

name: “redCone”+j,
position: sampledPosition,
cylinder: {
length: 400000.0,
topRadius: 0.0,
bottomRadius: 100000.0,
material: Cesium.Color.RED,


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How is the performance without the cylinders?

Sorry for the late reply - I have been travelling.

The performance of my software is fine, around 15 to 11 FPS. I create around 2000 entities with ellipsoid or polyline graphics. When I add those cylinder graphics entities it goes bad.

Jose Rodriguez

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Can you share a sandcastle? Had some issues copying the above.

The code I posted runs in Sandcastle. I will load it and send the URL (I think).

Jose Rodriguez

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Here is the URL from Sandcastle (I did have problem cutting in pasting too…)

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This is almost certainly unrelated to the Cylinder rendering itself. Changing the creation of the cylinder to use

position: sampledPosition.getValue(0)
                       // ^ a fixed value

lets me add 50000 (!) cylinders which are rendered at constant 59+ FPS.

I haven’t used the SampledPositionProperty before, and would have to take a closer look at what it is doing (in fact, it didn’t even show the cylinders for me in the sandcastle when using it directly). But I guess that does some complex and expensive interpolation for each of the 382 positions, for each cylinder, at each frame.

(Sorry, no direct hint for how to solve this, but at least a pointer to something that you might want to look at. Maybe you can start with using fewer positions in the array and see how this plays out…)

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Yes I also tried that. If the position of the cylinders is fixed, they have no impact on the FPS. But mine represent a sensor from a satellite and they need to move in time. That is why I am using SampledPositionProperty.

Anyway thanks for the suggestion!


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Try it here:

It uses c137.js

You’ll have to import everything destructured, and use it without the Cesium global like this:

import {
      Math as CesiumMath,
      Math as cesiumMath,
    } from 'cesium';
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = "";
const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]);
viewer.scene.globe.enableLighting = true;
viewer.scene.debugShowFramesPerSecond = true;
globalThis.viewer = viewer; //Open console to debug app
viewer.scene.debugShowFramesPerSecond = true;

var positionList = [


var startTime = new JulianDate());
var numberCones = 100;

for (var j=0; j<numberCones;j++) {
  var sampledPosition = new SampledPositionProperty();
  sampledPosition.forwardExtrapolationType = ExtrapolationType.HOLD;
  for (var i=0; i<positionList.length; i++) {
//    console.log(positionList[i][0]);
    var timeInterval = positionList[i][0];
    var lon = positionList[i][2];
    var lat = positionList[i][1];
    var alt = positionList[i][3];
    var modifiedLon = parseFloat(lon.toString()) + (3.5*j);
    var positionTime = JulianDate.addSeconds(startTime, timeInterval, new JulianDate())
    sampledPosition.addSample(positionTime, Cartesian3.fromDegrees(modifiedLon, lat, 200000.0));
//    console.log('data ' + lon + ' ' + lat + ' ' +positionTime);
    name: "redCone"+j,
    position: sampledPosition,
    cylinder: {
      length: 400000.0,
      topRadius: 0.0,
      bottomRadius: 100000.0,

I’m getting 60 fps.

OK I got your code to work with It does not work with Sandcastle FYI.

Now the code replaces all references to Cesium.* with just the class name. OK, but I got 753 references in 17000+ lines of JS code (includes comments and spaces). But it is in Git so I am thinking of branching the repo and doing massive replaces with vi.

I have a big question: do I also have to switch to c137.js from ?

Anyway thanks for the help.

Jose Rodriguez

To my understanding, the versions of c137 and CesiumJS should match, so there should not be a difference in performance (or “behavior” in general).

I was curious and started looking at this, and compared a short profiling run of c137 (left) and the given Sandcastle (right), and apparently, Primitive.update causes the cylinder primitives to be re-created in each frame, from scratch…

… but the reason for that is not so obvious. Someone with more background knowledge will have to take a closer look at this.

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@Marco13 No, they are not the same, we made some changes to accommodate this use case.

@joserodriguez you don’t have to replace it everywhere, you can always just import all the exports as a single Cesium object.

I’m just curious: Can you elaborate what “some changes” means? The observed behavior appears to be the one that is expected. Maybe this can be channeled back into CesiumJS via a PR as an improvement, if it really doesn’t affect the functionality in any negative way.

You know … changes.

There’s a long history on the forums / issues about dynamic geometry performance. The core Cesium team has not prioritized it and I defer to their judgement.

Well Cesium.CylinderGraphics is essential for visualizing sensors in space, IMHO. Its improvement should prioritized high by the Cesium team.

I am sure if they were being paid to do so, they could make it happen.

As it is, it seems like well-funded government contractors tend to take open-source Cesium without contributing either funding or code, which is certainly not fair to the developers.

If you are interested in actually supporting Cesium, consider buying access to the Cesium Analytics SDK, which does sensors extremely well.

We have updated MapShot, here’s a link for this particular issue.