I tried out Cesium demo's and was impressed enough to download it and give it a go. I eagerly went to the quick start instructions and was immediately dismayed. Cesium is 100% javascript. Why was I being told to 'build' the project? The last thing I am worried about when trying out new javascript libraries is minifying the code. That's something to worry about when I am ready to deploy. Just point me to the required libraries. Ok, so I followed the instructions and tried to build the project. Fortunately I have java installed on my machine, however, I ran into a problem with ant versions since my linux box has an earlier version of ant and even though I thought I was running the version in ./Tools it was running the older version. It took a while for me to figure out that I needed to set ant_home to the version in ./Tools. I mention this just to point out that you have required your users to have java installed and have ant configured properly, all to do something that they should not be worrying about while they are evaluating your technology.
I followed all of the quick start instructions and managed to compile and run the sample applications, but I can't figure out how to get a globe to run in my own page running on my apache server. This should really be part of the quick start instructions. I don't think a user has started until they are at a point where they can modify the provided code to meet their own needs. Running the sandbox demos on localhost was not very useful, since I could already do that on your server. In all, I found the quick start instructions are pretty useless.
Since then, I've been trying for a couple of hours to get the simplest globe to work with very limited success. I can see the globe, but navigation does not work. I get no javascript errors, so I really have little information with which to troubleshoot.
I do this stuff all of the time, so I don't think it is a matter of my skill at following instructions. The instructions for setting up a simple globe on my own site are either missing from the website/wiki or they are very well hidden.
Cesium looks like an excellent application. Please reduce the barrier to entry and provide a simple - stand alone - example.
Thank you.