in the standard sandcastle for Polylines
the “Blue dashed line” is flickering if I move to the left or right. You can see this, because the line end/start changes. If I zoom in/out I think the flickering isn’t so strong but still there - my customer doesn’t like this behaaviour, any ideas/tips to change.
Hi @Ruediger_Brand,
Thanks for reaching out with your question! I also appreciate that you took the time to send over a sandcastle demo.
I took some time to play around with the sandcastle demo that you shared. I am not sure if I was able to fully reproduce the visual artifacts that you noticed.
If possible, could you share a screenshot of what you are seeing? In addition, providing information on your system (operating system, browser, etc.) would be very helpful.
Hi Sam,
you see the flickr if you move with the mouse - the line endings are changed, there is a “running effect” at the line:

In the screenshot you see that in the dashed polyline the line endings chang if you move the map
In cases where we have a different pattern the “running effect” is very disturbing.
Hi @Ruediger_Brand,
I appreciate the screenshots. They definitely help clarify the issue that you are seeing.
I don’t know of a quick fix to this using our API. I recommend opening an issue on our GitHub page that outlines this problem for our CesiumJS squad to take a look at. Be sure to check if there are any other GitHub issues for similar problems and feel free to reference this thread when creating your ticket.