I’m trying to render a .glb 3D model, embedding textures that I have generated with Blender.
I have been testing this .glb model in 3rd-party 3D software (3Dbuilder) and the rendering is just fine.
However, when displaying in Cesium-ion, the 3D mesh of the model is over-simplified, the colors are approximate, and all the light/shading/textures etc… are lost.
I’m using other .glb 3D models in the same scene that are just looking fine.
I have been trying to re-generate the .glb model from .obj using the obj2gltf tool but got the same poor result.
I was wondering if there are any specificity for .glb format/size/quantity of meshes/ etc… in Cesium-ion that I have been overlooking ?
Is there any tool/scripts that you would recommend for testing the compliancy/consistency of .glb files with Cesium-ion renderer?
Any other idea what cause this ?
I must say I’m a bit puzzled.
Thanks in advance for any advices,