preloadIcrfFixed() - fails on first call

var promise = Cesium.Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed(timeInterval);
promise.then(function() {
var pointInFixed = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
var fixedToIcrf = Cesium.Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix(dateToCheck);
var pointInInertial = new Cesium.Cartesian3();
if (Cesium.defined(fixedToIcrf)) {
pointInInertial = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(fixedToIcrf, pointInFixed, pointInInertial);


However, when my app loads the preloadIcrfFixed promise is not resolved and always fails on the first go (i.e. when the page loads). Using the code snipped above. below I have constructed a small Sandcastle example that demonstrates my problem. You can view it here: MWE

Here is the Sandcastle code. When the page loads, “FAILURE” is always printed to the console.

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);

Sandcastle.addDefaultToolbarButton(‘Default styling’, function() {

var start_time = new Date(1285216305688);

var stop_time = new Date(1285259505688);

var timeInterval = new Cesium.TimeInterval({
start : start_time,
stop : stop_time,
isStartIncluded : true,
isStopIncluded : true

var promise = Cesium.Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed(timeInterval);

promise.then(function() {
    var pointInFixed = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
    var fixedToIcrf = Cesium.Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix(stop_time);
    var pointInInertial = new Cesium.Cartesian3();
    if (Cesium.defined(fixedToIcrf)) {
        pointInInertial = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(fixedToIcrf, pointInFixed, pointInInertial);"SUCCESS");





Thanks for writing the example! This looks like it might be a bug, I’ve written up an issue on our GitHub here:

