I am trying to load terrain in Cesium from a GeoSever hosted locally providing DEM data using GeoserverTerrainProvider(https://github.com/kaktus40/Cesium-GeoserverTerrainProvider) plugin. It loads the terrain on the globe but it doesn't look proper, see the screenshot here: http://pbrd.co/17ZSVI3. Where could be the problem?
I am using:
Cesium Version 1.5
GeoServer Version 2.5.2
Its Integer 16. Where else could be the problem? Is it possible that the difference between tile size served by GeoServer and the tile size expected by Cesium causing the problem?
I don't think so, in wms mode, the plugin choose the tile size. Is it possible to access to your geoserver from internet?
did you use geotiffTranslate?