I'm struggling to implement a smaller than 1 meter elevation data into my Cesium app. I'm using the GeoserverTerrainProvider plugin but with no luck.
It works great with e.g. 5m elevation data including the pre-processing steps (gdal-warp and gdal-retile).
I assume, converting the pixel type with gdal-warp from float to integer is the problem.
I'm working on a Windows system and my elevation data are UAV based.
Is there a workaround (not necessarily with GeoServer) for implementing elevation data under 1 meter resolution?
Hello, you could tweak the plug in to process float data instead of integer data (see postProcessArray in line 78 (https://github.com/kaktus40/Cesium-GeoserverTerrainProvider/blob/master/GeoserverTerrainProvider.js#L78) .
So firstly you should generate your tile with float precision and after you should configure geoserver in order to provide application/bil32 data (see http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/community/dds/index.html#configuring-the-bil-format ) and finally tweak GeoserverTerrainProvider plugin :
line 79 instead of "image/bil" you should have "application/bil32"
line 81 instaed of "ArrayBuffer(size.height * size.width * 2)" you should have "ArrayBuffer(size.height * size.width * 4)"
line 86 instead of "i += 2" you should have "i += 4"
line 87 instead of "viewerIn.getInt16" you should have "viewerIn.getFloat32"
line 89 instead of "viewerOut.setInt16" you should have "viewerOut.setFloat32"
line 94 instead of "viewerOut.setInt16" you should have "viewerOut.setFloat32"
line 97 instead of "Int16Array" you should have "Float32Array"
I didn't test the tweak but you will have to play with the byte order in geoserver...
I did all of your mentioned tweaks, except I couldn't see the bil configuration drop-down menu in the "Publish" section of the GeoServer configuration. But I can see the "bil" extension in the layer preview section. Are there some additional steps to define/show the output format in the GeoServer "Publish" section?