I have 4 pairs of longitude & latitude
so is it possible to construct a rectangle?
I create cartesian and use Rectangle.fromCartographicArray, but I get minmal bounding rectangle for my image(
Thank is advance!
I have 4 pairs of longitude & latitude
so is it possible to construct a rectangle?
I create cartesian and use Rectangle.fromCartographicArray, but I get minmal bounding rectangle for my image(
Thank is advance!
fromCartographicArray should work. Are you using radians, not degrees? Do you have a code example?
for example
ca[0] = Cartographic.fromDegrees(130.054128687,42.660675208,0);
ca[1] = Cartographic.fromDegrees(130.340099864,42.706203597, 0);
ca[2] = Cartographic.fromDegrees(130.287676997,42.88136488,0);
ca[3] = Cartographic.fromDegrees(130.000904512,42.835640026,0);
ca[4] = Cartographic.fromDegrees(130.054128687,42.660675208,0);
var extent = Rectangle.fromCartographicArray(ca);
rectangle.coordinates = new ConstantProperty(extent);
entity.position = new ConstantPositionProperty(Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(
Rectangle.center(extent, scratchCartesian), scratchCartographic));
on picture you can see, that I get bounding rectangle(
rectangle.coordinates build rectangle oriented to North? because I have rotated rectangle
so I try to use this formuls from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1624574/calculate-lat-lng-of-corners-of-ground-overlay-from-kml-file
but I get wrong rotation value
SW: 60.400316388889;5.3194425
SE: 60.400824722222;5.3355405555556
NE: 60.406759444444;5.3347738888889
NW: 60.406251388889;5.3186730555556
$rot= rad2deg (atan ( ( $nw_lng - $sw_lng ) / ($sw_lat - $nw_lat ) / 2 ) );
The Rectangle in Cesium is always aligned to lines of latitude and longitude. Use a Polygon instead, like this Sandcastle example.
Thank you, so much!