I output an image using cesium and google3d, but the credits are not included. Is there a way to include them?
By the way, google photorealistic 3d tiles’s detail ->cesium ->Show Credits on Screen is turned off
I output an image using cesium and google3d, but the credits are not included. Is there a way to include them?
By the way, google photorealistic 3d tiles’s detail ->cesium ->Show Credits on Screen is turned off
Hi @takag, welcome to the community!
It’s true that by default, Unreal Engine does not capture any UI elements in the application. May I ask what you’re doing to take the screenshots?
In Movie Render Queue, it seems like you can include a UI renderer here:
I found the above tip from a community tutorial here – maybe it can be helpful?
Thanks for the answer.
I want to use screenshots because it’s too much trouble to create an MRQ.
I tried “ui render”, but it didn’t come out in the path tracer. Too bad.
Thank you.
Hi @takag,
Could you share how you’re trying to take a screenshot? For example, are you doing this from Blueprints at runtime? Or from the Editor?
How to take a screenshot
a. Shift + windows + S
b. [UE4]BPで、HUD込みのスクリーンショットを取る方法|株式会社ヒストリア
There is a limit due to the screen resolution.
Once I know how to use the widget to display credits(ScreenCredits widget blueprint?), I’d like to create editor utilities to make it more flexible.
But I don’t know how to use BP. Are there any examples?