I am using sharedDataSources for 2 different viewers one is 3D and one is 2D. However, I am having problems about adding models. When I add a 3D plane it is displayed in 3D viewer but not in 2D viewer. Can someone help me on this?
Update the thing is not about the viewer type whether 2D or 3D it is about the shared data source addition.
var sharedDataSource = new Cesium.CustomDataSource();
The entity that I add 3D model or line will appear on the last viewer type above. Here it is 2D. If I add sharedDataSource to 3D after 2D they will appear on 3D viewer. Points are displayed on both of them without any problem. but models and lines have problems.
I improved my code. I am providing sandcastle code below. As you can see when I add a plane with DataSource structure it does not display on both viewers. It only displays points on both. And other entities that I add to viewers separately does displays without any problem.