Simple custom white material


I want the Google3D Tiles optionally to appear lit white, without any textures.
I´m also using the PolygonRasterOverlay.
I tried but I don´t manage it how to make this material.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!

Hi @Cascho75,

You should be able to achieve this with a custom material. The trick will be to copy the default material instance (MI_CesiumThreeOverlaysAndClipping), as well as the ML_CesiumGltf material layer. Edit the layer to make the base color white, rather than the computed color. Edit the material instance to select your new material layer instead of the origin ML_CesiumGltf. Then select that new material instance as the Opaque Material on the Cesium3DTileset instance.

You can find detailed instructions for modifying materials in this tutorial: