Single viewer with different camera angels display

Hi, I want to use a single viewer and display differnet screen capture of that viewer or different camera angels at the same time. Is there a way to do that?

Hi @clk ,
Thanks for your post.

This seems to be picking up from the idea where your thread here landed 3D and 2D screens at the same time - #17 by clk

I think this conversation here with input from the Cesium team and users is getting at pretty much the same idea you are inquiring about regarding multiple displays of the same scene in a single viewer two viewer primitives synchronize - #2 by omar

I also think you will be interested to take a look at this issue in GitHub tracking the possibility of building this capability into the CesiumJS library

I hope those resources are interesting and helpful to you as you explore you ideas for implementing multiple displays in Cesium.


Thanks @Luke_McKinstry for the support. I will check those resources even though I’ve seen them before.

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