Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding layer ordering:
Currently, WMS layers are displayed over the labels. Is there a way to make the labels appear on top of the WMS overlays?
Can I define the order in which WMS layers are displayed on top of one another? I want to keep the order even In case a layer is disabled and enabled again. I don’t want to reload all the layers.
Currently, WMS layers are displayed over the labels. Is there a way to make the labels appear on top of the WMS overlays?
Which datasets are your labels coming from? If It’s a Bing Maps layer, then this is probably not possible, because the satellite imagery and the labels are served as a single set of pictures. There’s no way to separate them and insert something between them.
To achieve what you want, you’ll need a dataset that provides satellite imagery and labels separately.
Can I define the order in which WMS layers are displayed on top of one another? I want to keep the order even In case a layer is disabled and enabled again. I don’t want to reload all the layers.
Not currently. Overlays are added in the order their OnEnable is called. I wrote an issue for it:
There is now support for specifying the order of raster overlay layers, as of Cesium for Unity v1.8.0. Feel free to try it out and let us know how it goes!