I have several tilesets and their height in some places overlaps meaning sometimes the first tileset is above the second and vice versa,
Is there a way to ensure that when overlapped, a pre-defined “order” setting is used to ensure I’ll always see the “upper” tileset? (like a deep new construction site will be above the previous building that was there and I’ll only see the new tileset in that area)
Could you clarify the types of tilesets you’re working with? Are both tilesets WMTS overlays with DEM (elevation data), or are they both 3D Tiles?
This detail might help identify the best way to manage the overlapping behavior.
I’m working with 3D tiles above WMTS with DEM (elevation data) data.
and I don’t want the WMTS with DEM to be seen above the 3D tiles.
Hi @asaf.masa,
There’s no built-in way to do this. Cesium for Unity creates fairly normal Unity Mesh and MeshRenderer components. So if this is possible at all, it would a Unity rendering trick of some sort. For example, perhaps the underlying tileset could be rendered first, and then the overlapping tileset rendered second with depth-testing disabled. Or a stencil buffer could be used to mask out the underlying tileset in the places the overlapping one is rendered. These are just ideas, I’m afraid I don’t know exactly how (or even “if”) this can be achieved in Unity.
The more common approach in Cesium for Unity is to use a CesiumCartographicPolygon
to clip away the appropriate part of each tileset so that they don’t overlap.