Static grid system

Hello I'm trying to create a static grid system on the globe with exact longitude and latitude lines. I want two options for the grid. One display with 1 unit square of measure, and another with .1 unit square of measure. At first I tried making polylines to cover the globe. The measurements were perfect, but the problem it led me was that the frame rate was terrible when I went to the .1 measurements.

Then I tried making an ellipsoid to cover the globe instead. This helped performance by a lot, but I encountered the problem with my Longitude being correct, but my Latitudes were off. I would of used the GridImageryProvider unfortunately this class isn't helpful because it dynamically renders, and doesn't stay at the measurements needed.

Ellipsoid example
Action listener for partition settings.
gridSlicePartitions is set to 360 for one quit of measure, and 3600 for .1
gridStackPartitions are set to 180 and 1800

gridDisplay = viewer.entities.add({
    name : 'gridDisplay',
    position: new Cartesian3(),
    ellipsoid : {
        radii : viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid.radii,
        fill : false,
        outline : true,
        outlineColor : Cesium.Color.GREEN.withAlpha(0.25),
        slicePartitions : gridSlicePartitions,
        stackPartitions : gridStackPartitions

With the PolyLines I tried making multiple PolylineCollection()'s to help with performance, but didn't help me as much.

// .1 measurement function for polylines
function createGreaterGrid(){
        polyLinesLon1 = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
        polyLinesLon2 = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
        polyLinesLat2 = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
        polyLinesLat1 = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
        var line = ;

        for(var x = -90; x <= 90; x+=0.1){
            for(var k = -180; k <= 0; k += 2) {
                line.push(k); // lat
                line.push(x); //lon
                positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(line),
                width : 1,
                material : new Cesium.Material.fromType('Color', {
                    color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.10)
                asynchronous : false
            line = ;
        line = ;
        for(x = -90; x <= 90; x+=0.1){
            for(var j = -0; j <= 180; j += 2) {
                line.push(j); // lat
                line.push(x); //lon
                positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(line),
                width : 1,
                material : new Cesium.Material.fromType('Color', {
                    color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.10)
                asynchronous : false

            line = ;
        for(x = -90; x <= 90; x+=0.1){
            for(var b = -180; b <= 0; b += 2) {
                line.push(x); // lat
                line.push(b); //lon
                positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(line),
                width : 1,
                material : new Cesium.Material.fromType('Color', {
                    color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.10)
                asynchronous : false
            line = ;
        line = ;
        for(x = -90; x <= 90; x+=0.1){
            for(var n = 0; n <= 180; n += 2) {
                line.push(x); // lat
                positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(line),
                width : 1,
                material : new Cesium.Material.fromType('Color', {
                    color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.10)
                asynchronous : false
            line = ;

// 1 unit of measure function
function createGrid(){
        polyLines = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
        var line = ;

        // Create a color material with fromType:

        for(var x = -90; x < 90; x+=2){
            for(var k = -180; k < 182; k += 2) {
                line.push(k); // lat
                line.push(x); //lon
                positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(line),
                width : 1,
                material : new Cesium.Material.fromType('Color', {
                    color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.10)
                asynchronous : false

            line = ;
        line = ;
        for(var x = -90; x < 90; x+=2){
            for(var n = -180; n < 182; n += 2) {
                line.push(x); // lat
                positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(line),
                width : 1,
                material : new Cesium.Material.fromType('Color', {
                    color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.10)
                asynchronous : false
            line = ;

If anyone has any suggestions for any of the two ways to create a static grid system that matches the longitude and latitude please let me know!

I saw another question about this same subject, but I was confused on how to proceed.


I am adding the PolyCollection on another function


Hi there,

I would try using a Globe Material to draw the grid, or an imagery provider (covered pretty thoroughly in this thread) rather than using polylines, as that’s a lot of geometry to render.



Thanks for the suggestion. I tried using the globe material. I see the grid render for a split second, then the grid is gone. Any idea why?

material = Cesium.Material.fromType(‘Grid’,{

color: Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.25),

lineCount: new Cesium.Cartesian2(360, 180)


Looks to me like a line count that high cover the globe completely!

The following worked for me:

var material = Cesium.Material.fromType(‘Grid’);

material.uniforms.color = Cesium.Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0.5);

material.uniforms.lineCount = new Cesium.Cartesian2(12, 9);

viewer.scene.globe.material = material;




Hi Gabby,

The following code you provided doesn't seem to work for me. Is it outdated by any chance? Do you think you provide a sandcastle example with the code? Maybe I am missing something?


It looks like you just need to make sure vertex normals are requested when getting your terrain (which I imagine the shader uses when rendering the lines). This should work:

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {

terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain({

requestVertexNormals: true



var material = Cesium.Material.fromType(‘Grid’);

material.uniforms.color = Cesium.Color.WHITE.withAlpha(0.9);

material.uniforms.lineCount = new Cesium.Cartesian2(12, 9);

viewer.scene.globe.material = material;


Here’s a Sandcastle link. Let me know if it works! I didn’t realize there was a built in way to create a dynamic grid like this, this looks very cool! What kind of application are you using this for?

Is it not possible to add a grid when using Cesium.EllipsoidTerrainProvider? Its hasVertexNormals is false, and there doesn’t appear to be an option to include them.

You could create a primitive as shown in this code example: That’ll work regardless of what terrain provider is used.