Latitude and Longitude Grid in CesiumforUnreal

Hi! Everyone~ I’m trying to implement the Latitude and Longitude Grid in UE4, just like Web Cesium,

Does anyone have good ideas and methods, please reply, Thanks!

Hi @drakelzh,

I don’t think there’s anything currently in the plugin that would allow for this, but I can think of a few ways you could potentially implement it.

Are you imagining a spline-based grid, or would a raster overlay with grid lines work?

I am new to Unreal and Cesium and am trying to implement the Lat/Long grid in UE5.1. I’ve tried finding a tutorial that uses splines or raster overlays in a similar way around the globe and haven’t had any luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?

Hello,Now I have the same question.
If you have some ways to do it,Would you share me ?

What a coincidence! The screenshots we use are the same