The model exported by cityengine is not in the correct position on cesium. How should I adjust the position of the 3D tiles?

The model exported by cityengine is not in the correct position on cesium. How should I adjust the position of the 3D tiles?

How should I convert the spatial coordinate system?

can you share your model?

Sure, do you have any emails?

It may indeed be necessary to provide further information about the model itself. Specifically: Where is the model? Is it at a wrong position on the globe, or is it at “the origin”?

If it is at the origin, then you can simply set the tileset.modelMatrix to put it to a certain location on the globe, like this:

tileset.modelMatrix = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(
  Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-75.152408, 39.946975, 0)

Alternatively, you could set this matrix as the transform matrix of the root tile in the tileset JSON file.

If the model is at a wrong position of the globe, then some other (manual) fix might be necessary. If you can share the tileset JSON file here (or even just the part that contains the root -> boundingVolume information), then this could be enough to give further hints.