TMS + terrian Problem

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Local loading of terrain services

  1. Create a new 3dtile blank + url http://localhost:8081/xx/layer.json

  2. Add local terrain
    Question 1: The terrain is white

  3. Add CesiumTileMapServiceRasterOverlay

  4. Add tms URL - E: \ Tile \ taileDownload \ TMS \ tms.xml
    Question 2: An error occurred during the request
    Error while creating tile provider: Request forhttps://tilemapresource.xml/Failed: Unable to complete SSL connection

  5. Add and publish locally http://localhost:8081/TMS/tms.xml
    Question 3:
    [2024 04 23 12:40:49.063] [error] [RasterOverlayCollection. cpp: 127] Tile map service XML document does not have an SRS
    Tile map service XML document does not have an SRS

7: Have anyother metod can load Local cache ?

Hi @zhuxian1guo, welcome to the forums! It seems like there’s two questions here that you need help with:

  1. Cesium looks up the document’s SRS value using an upper-case element name. Try changing the line to <SRS>OSGEO:41001</SRS>. Though, Cesium doesn’t understand the coordinate system OSGEO:41001. Try using its more common name, EPSG:3857.
  2. To load datasets from your local filesystem, you only need to prepend the file path with file:///. For example, file:///E:/Tile/taileDownload/TMS/tms.xml.