I have setup Tileserver-gl server to service my map images. The problem I'm having is that whenever I try to load the images into cesium through the server nothing happens and it isn't tell me whats not working. I have a tried 2 different methods of bring in the images were UrlTemplateImageryProvider and WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider. So can I use Tileserver-gl as a Image Provider or is it not supported?
I'm using this system so I can use vector maps in Cesium and use Maputnik an opensource version of MapBox.
var temp3 = new Cesium.UrlTemplateImageryProvider({
url : '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'});
var temp1 = Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({
url : ‘http://wmts.maptiler.com/aHR0cDovLzE3Mi4yMC4yLjIwMjo4MDgwL3N0eWxlcy9kYXJrLW1hdHRlci1jcGIuanNvbg/wmts’,
layer : ‘172202202:8080’,
style : ‘default’,
format : ‘image/png’,
tileMatrixSetID : ‘GoogleMapsCompatible’,
maximumLevel: 19
Browser: Chrome
Tileserver-gl is running on ubuntu in docker. Formats it services are GL Style, TileJson, WMTS, and XYZ.
Thanks you,