UE 5.1 rendering with movie render queue, tiles not loading in time

Thanks for the video. I see the problem, now. It comes down to a difference in how we created the Level Sequence. I did it like this:


But you did it by right-clicking in the Content Browser and adding it there. The critical difference between these two is that my approach added the level sequence to the level, whereas yours just added it as an asset. So then this code in Cesium for Unreal’s Cesium3DTileset.cpp couldn’t find your level sequence:

And so doesn’t know it’s recording a video, and so it doesn’t switch into the “wait for tile loads before snapping the frame” mode.

Easy solution: drag your level sequence from the Content Browser into the viewport, which will add it to the level. Then the recording should behave as intended.

I’m not quite sure what we can do to fix this so that the workaround isn’t needed, but at least the workaround is fairly easy. I wrote an issue to see if we can find a proper fix:

Thanks for your help and patience tracking this down!


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