Hi @http3w,
This is likely a problem with unlit materials caused by the high intensity of the CesiumSunSky directional light. You can turn down the directional light’s intensity to a value like 10, and that should help with this problem.
You can see instructions for that process here.
Let me know if this solution helps!
that right.I changed the value and changed it back. It’s good
I ran into this as well, and i was able to follow the guide to change the emissive property to 11100 on a copy of Widget3DPassThrough that i am using as my base material for UMG componets on Actors. That indeed did fix the issue and the text on my UMG looks good… However I noticed my all black border that is drawn as an image interacts with the Sky atmosphere and is shaded blue. Anyway to fix this?
Hi @wurregu,
Does the problem still appear when you reduce the intensity of the directional light?
If it does, double check the material properties (accessed in the Material Editor, usually on the right side under the material preview.)
See if changing any of the options relating to sky/atmosphere help.
Thanks @agallegos ,
Reducing the CesiumSunSky - DirectionalLight componet intensity does not resolve the issue.
In the Material Editor for the UMG Widget Component’s Material I do not see any options relating to atmosphere. The material domain is surface, blend mode is masked, shading model is unlit.
The only parameters for sky are:
- Is Sky (definetly not what i want)
- Blend Sky Light Cubemaps ( has no effect)
Hi @wurregu,
I took a look and unfortunately haven’t been able to recreate the issue yet.
Can you try replacing the CesiumSunSky actor with a regular “SunSky”? CesiumSunSky is built off of the existing SunSky blueprint from the Sun Position Calculator plugin. If you are still experiencing the issue with the default, non Cesium SunSky blueprint, you might find a solution on the Unreal Engine forums. If it seems to be specific to CesiumSunSky, let me know.