Unable to use "Bing Maps Labels Only" Raster Overlay

Hey there, I’m wanting to test out the Bing Maps Labels Only, but whenever I add it as a Raster Overlay the tileset disappears and I’m given an error:

Error while creating tile provider: Request for `https://localhost/REST/v1/Imagery/Metadata/AerialWithLabelsOnDemand [our API key etc.]` failed: Cannot connect to destination host

Other raster overlays like Bing Maps Aerial work fine, it’s just this “Labels Only” one that doesn’t work. Any reason why it’s not working?

Hi @abliss86, can you clarify how you’re adding the Bing Maps Labels Only layer in Cesium for Unity? It appears that the component in your scene has an example URL pointing to localhost set, which seems to be why it’s erroring out. It should be a Cesium Ion Raster Overlay pointing to the ion Asset ID 2, attached to your tileset:

Hey to clarify, I’m interested in Bing Maps Labels Only, which for us is Asset ID 2411391. Here’s how I have it set up:


I’m not sure why it’s looking to localhost. Any ideas?

You’re right, I get the same result on my end! This is definitely a bug, and I’ve made an issue for it here. My best guess is that the URL returned for that asset, //dev.virtualearth.net, contains no protocol which is confusing Cesium into thinking that it’s an invalid URL and defaulting to localhost.

Haha cool, glad it’s not just me :smiley:

Anything I can do to get around it in the meantime?

Unfortunately, there’s no easy workaround. However, I’ve made a fix that should address this issue! It’ll likely be out in the next version of Cesium for Unity, but you can follow the developer setup guide to get a local copy of Cesium for Unity and Cesium Native on your machine, and check out the fix-uri-parsing branch on cesium-native to grab the fix!