I want show Aerial with Labels in 07_CesiumGoogleMapsTiles.unity demo.thanks!
I don’t think Google (yet?) provides textures with labels baked into them. You could overlay the Bing Aerial with Labels tileset on the Google geometry, but you’ll definitely get smeaing on the sides of vertical surfaces, like buildings. If you want to try it, copy the Cesium ion Raster Overlay from the Cesium World Terrain game object in level 1 to the Google tileset game object in level 7.
【copy the Cesium ion Raster Overlay from the Cesium World Terrain game object in level 1 to the Google tileset game object in level 7.】I need alert Bing Aerial with labels tileset asset?but downloads are not available for this asset. or I try rewrite CesiumIonRasterOverlay script, but found AddToTileset RemoveFromTileset In dll.can you teach me step!
Other, like https://earth.google.com/, is dynamic rotation, so perfect, will it be supported in the next or next next versions. google maps place api :Google Maps Platform 文档 | Places API | Google for Developers
I’m suggesting you use the Unity Editor UI to copy a component (the Cesium ion Raster Overlay component that is attached to Cesium World Terrain in level 1) from to the Google tileset in level 7. No need to edit any code.
Or if it’s easier, add a Cesium ion Raster Overlay component to the Google tileset manually and set the asset ID to 3.
World-space labels are something we’d like to do, but they definitely won’t be available in the next two releases, as we release every month. I can’t currently predict when they might be available.