I’m trying to make a tile map background map using Cesium’s UrlTemplateImageProvider.
I’m trying to do it with a map of a site other than open street map, but when I apply it, I’m experiencing a problem where tiles are invisible or tiles are mixed up when I reduce the enlargement ratio.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
The codes I want you to see are as follows :
window.cesiumViewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {
useDefaultRenderLoop: false,
animation: false,
baseLayerPicker : false,
fullscreenButton: false,
geocoder: false,
homeButton: false,
infoBox: false,
sceneModePicker: false,
selectionIndicator: false,
timeline: false,
navigationHelpButton: false,
imageryProvider : new Cesium.UrlTemplateImageryProvider({url :‘http://map3.daumcdn.net/map_2d/2111ydg/L{z}/{y}/{x}.png’}),});
Please tell me how to solve this problem.