Is there a usage limit for PLATEAU?
Bing Maps and Google Maps have a maximum number of sessions per price plan, but what about PLATEAU?
If there is a usage limit, is it possible to check usage?
Hi @RxRDevelop,
If by PLATEAU data, you are referring to the the Japan 3D Building data available via Cesium ion, there are no limits beyond those set by your Cesium ion account. Access to the Cesium Japan 3D Buildings follows the parameters as Cesium Open Street Map and Cesium World Terrain data products.
Does this answer your question?
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Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I was referring to the Japan 3D Building data available via Cesium ion. It’s good to know that there are no additional limits beyond those set by my Cesium ion account. This answers my question perfectly. Thank you for your help!
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