So far I’ve used an affine matrix in the frustum to change my rendered frame pixel wide in the method “update”.
This is an ugly hack shortcut that looks somewhat like:
if (defined(window.changeMatrix)){
var resultNewArr = ;
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
resultNewArr[i] = window.affineMatrix[i];
var newMatrix = Matrix4.fromArray(resultNewArr);
Matrix4.multiply( newMatrix, frustum._perspectiveMatrix,frustum._perspectiveMatrix);
Matrix4.multiply(newMatrix, frustum._infinitePerspective, frustum._infinitePerspective);
(added right after line:
I’ve noticed that the “endTransform” was added to the “setView” method and I thought this might be used to achieve my end goal in a “cleaner” way.
The end goal is nicely put here:
Assuming I have my affine matrix the same way (as a Matrix4 newMatrix), can I use the endTransform in some way in order to achieve the same effect? Another question, which I was unable to find the answer to is, what is the relation (if any) between the camera.transform (which is the endTransform as far as I can tell from the code) and the frustum.projectionMatrix (which is what I change in the frustum.update method)?