Using multiple CallbackProperty: kills performance (drops to Zero FPS)

Hi everybody,

I am currently visualizing the pollution of the Earth using Cesium.
On each country of the world, I place a cylinder (or a polygon extrusion of the country’s surrounding).
I have a timeline from 1970 to 2020, and the height of the cylinders (or the polygon extrusions) is set to the
value of the pollution of each country in the currently selected year in the timeline.
This looks fine so far, but if I press “Play” in the lower left “Animate” Widget, I get big performance problems
as the time flows through the years.
The FPS are 7 to 23 FPS, the FPS value is jumping very much around. All entities seem to update their height at random
points in time, in a big chaos, the timeline is stuttering, …

In my first attempt, I was setting the properties directly in all the (195) entities:
var viewerEntity = _viewer.entities.getById(ID_OF_COUNTRY);
viewerEntity.cylinder.length = VALUE_OF_THE_CURRENT_YEAR;
_dataEntities.forEach(function (entity)
entity.polygon.extrudedHeight = VALUE_OF_THE_CURRENT_YEAR;

I already tried out “requestRenderMode”, (see
with no better experience:
_viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’,
requestRenderMode: true,
maximumRenderTimeChange: Infinity

I am already using “suspendEvents”, so that all changes are done in ONE step, and one after the other for each single entity:

// Turn “rendering” off:
_dataSourceDisplays.forEach(function (dataSourceDisplay) {
// Turn “rendering” on:
_dataSourceDisplays.forEach(function (dataSourceDisplay) {

OK, then I found a forum entry that said I should use a PropertyCallback for changing entity properties.
Okay, I do not need ONE callback, but 195 (one for each country on the Earth),
but this should be possible with passing an argument to the callback function:

But then, using a callback for 195 entites dropped my framerate to 0 FPS!

I now create a very simple example so that you can reproduce it easily:
Please paste the following code into the Cesium sandbox and try it.

If you try it with 1 cylinder (see numberOfEntitiesHori and numberOfEntitiesVert), you will get probably 55 FPS.
Try it with 5 * 5 = 25 cylinders, you will get around 8 FPS.
Try it with 20 * 10 = 200 cylinders (this is my case), you will get 0 FPS.
Looks like the callback function is called too often so that the performance breaks down.

My questions are now:

Am I doing right to switch to CallbackProperty to change the properties of my 195 cylinders / polygon extrusions during runtime?
If yes, how can I make my simplified example (and in the end - my own application) have a good performance?

Can I reduce (or start/stop) the callback function calling frequency of the CallbackProperty?
“requestRenderMode: true” doesn’t seem to affect that, as you can try out in my example.

Thank you
and all the best
----- Code for the Cesium Sandbox: ---------------------------------------------------

// Create a viewer
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(“cesiumContainer”,
// requestRenderMode tries to speed up performance / getting control over the rendering:
requestRenderMode: true,
maximumRenderTimeChange: Infinity // Sekunden

// show FPS
viewer.scene.debugShowFramesPerSecond = true;

// Select here, how many cylinders to display
// In the end, I need e.g. 20 x 10 = 200 cylinders!
var numberOfEntitiesHori = 5;
var numberOfEntitiesVert = 5;

// Create (for example 200) cylinders:

var i, j;
for(i = 0 ; i < numberOfEntitiesHori; i++){
for(j = 0; j < numberOfEntitiesVert; j++){
position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(i2, j2, 200000.0),
cylinder: {
// attach the length to the callback function
length: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(getSingleCallbackFunction, false),
topRadius: 60000.0,
bottomRadius: 60000.0,
outline: true,


// The callback function:
// Imagine that I assign here the new cylinder height for each cylinder (country) for the currently selected year in the timeline.
// But to show the performance problem, it is already enough to return here one simple value for all cylinders for all years:
function getSingleCallbackFunction() {
return 800000;

My app: