We’re looking for feedback from the community about updating the default visual quality settings in CesiumJS.
Recently we’ve been making improvements to visual quality overall. As part of this process we want to re-evaluate the default settings across the board to hopefully provide a better experience out of the box. We also want to explore a new API that makes it easier for developers to modify the various visual quality settings in one place. We’re also looking into the potential to have various of presets with a simple “High, medium, low” type setting like many games have.
We want to make sure to include everybody’s input. Please let us know what settings you like to use or commonly change in your own applications. Also share any concerns you have around performance when certain settings are on or off in general. We’s also appreciate if you share some use cases you’ve found that struggle in certain aspects visually.
This thread is targeted at building a better set of defaults so CesiumJS looks as good as it can “out of the box” for a wide range of use cases. Feel free to track the progress of this work in the Github Issue here
Some settings to think about:
- Resolution
- Screenspace error
- Antialiasing
- Lighting & atmosphere
- Dynamic lighting
- Shadows
- Fog
- Post Processing
- Ambient occlusion
- Bloom