WebGL Earth project switched to Cesium core

Dear Cesium developers,

First I would like to thank you for the great work you do on this open-source project.

As you may know, in the past we have developed our own globe engine in WebGL, the WebGL Earth, and released it as an open-source project.

It’s architecture is described at: http://data.webglearth.com/doc/ and the original version is visible at: http://www.webglearth.com/v1/

We have now upgraded our application and API to your rendering core.

We are therefore looking forward to contributing to the Cesium project, instead of developing our own separate globe core.

Our demo application is visible at:

The examples of use of the API:


And complete source code:

And the blog post where the new version of the WebGL Earth project is announced:


My primary motivation for creating WebGL Earth was and is an easy to use open-source project with public API, allowing easy embedding of a modern 3D globe in websites, with out-of-the box user friendly interaction and support for mobile devices whenever possible.

All this with custom map tiles from GeoTIFF, MrSID, GeoPDF or JPEG/GIF which can be rendered by our MapTiler (http://www.maptiler.com/), the follower of the GDAL2Tiles.

GDAL2Tiles was my student project some years back.

We have included the demo also in the open-source TileServer (http://tileserver.maptiler.com/#cassini-terrestrial/webglearth) which a simple open-source project for hosting rendered tiles and MBTiles on a LAMP server, while providing correct OGC WMTS service to desktop GIS client. See: https://github.com/klokantech/tileserver-php

I think WebGL Earth is targeting a different audience then Cesium and I hope you are happy with what we do with your code.

We are keen to contribute back to your project in the future.

Best regards,

Petr Pridal


Congratulations on the release and good luck with this project. We look forward to your contributions.

Will you be at FOSS4G in September? If so, let’s meet up.


Using https://github.com/klokantech/tileserver-php
I was able to get my mbtiles to be viewed online but how were you able to use it in cesium?