Hey Omar, my paths tend to span thousands of kilometers. They are dynamic and are updated as new data becomes available.
Thanks everyone! There’s been some great ideas and use cases suggested here. Recently I see an emphasis on improving performance for time dynamic data.
The end of January is almost here! We’re going to start planning our year, so get your ideas in if possible. Even just a vote or a +1 to show what’s important to you is a huge help for us.
The Draw helper plugin provided works fine but for editing entities, there is no option.
Adding the following options will be of great help!
1. Editing point entities to make them drag-able would be of great help.
2. Editing of polyline and polygon vertices to change shape and also move the whole entities.
Are you referring to the drawing on terrain Sandcastle example?
Editing other entities should work the same way with some additional custom application code. We do have some editing widgets and tools in the commercial ion SDK though:
Hey Omar,
Drawing on terrain is not an issue, what i meant by editing entities is that...
I am adding a billboard graphic as entity on map, on click of edit button I should be able to do some basic editing like move the billboard using the cursor. Have searched on the net but haven't found any solution. Is that option available?
It is not built into the library, but this is something you can build into your application since it can be unique to your use case. So you can write code to listen for mouse clicks/button presses, and then move the billboards etc.
It might be cool to be able to do that when you upload your data to Cesium ion though, to annotate and construct scenes just by clicking and editing like that.
Yes Omar, I tried that thing using screen space event functionality and it worked perfectly fine.
Thanks for the suggestion
It would be great to be able to specify an alternate texture for a terrain if the angle is above a certain point. so for the above (where I’ve simulated a forest by adding 60 feet to the terrain with a cliff-like 90-degree dropoff), I would specify a texture from the “side” of the woods, and ideally I could specify the dimensions for it so it tiles at appropriate times, like so:
This would also be applicable for photogrammetry that might be missing certain angles, or non-photogrammetric rendering of something like the Grand Canyon, where we have an accurate DEM and an accurate nadir aerial to texture the tops, but not the sides- where we could add in a generic rock face or something of that nature.
It would be awesome if rotation of labels and billboards can be fixed. I don’t mean locking rotation along a particular axis but rather no rotation at all.
This sounds like a really interesting idea Gibran! In the long term, I think this can be solved by folding terrain and imagery into 3D Tiles, like this Q &A paragraph in the 3D Tiles repo describes:
That way, you could control exactly what the imagery looks like on terrain tiles since they could be streamed together.
That sounds more like just a textured polygon defined in 3D space that doesn’t rotated to face the camera, is what you mean?
I think the new CoplanarGeometry can have textures applied to it. It’s only available via the Entity API right now though:
This might help in creating fixed rotation billboard but what about fixed rotation text
I would also like to see improved performance with 1) the entity api 2) The shading of hundreds of overlapping entity polygons in which polygons are added and removed from the group of overlapping polygons. I describe this use case that slows down both drawing and frame rate in the following post:
3 thousand entities slowing down drawing of entire application
I would add an implementation for WFS services (Web feature services) in the same way WMS or WMT-S are already implemented.
Really good work, congratulations for the developers. Can you add a control to display in stereoscopy, anaglyph, crossed, …
best regards.
Great work folks!
The ability to label polylines the way a basemap generator like Geoserver does would be killer. Or just a way to lock the rotation of a label (and let it be aligned to the ground the way I could do with billboards), so I could place it next to a polyline.
+ 1 on labels having their orientation based on the map instead of the camera.
+1 ES6 modules.
Personally I’d like to see better support for and faster loading of vector GIS data. Currently loading even moderately large geojson files hangs Cesium and updating the styling of loaded geosjon data is very slow.
+1 for vector 3D Tiles