What would you like to see in CesiumJS in 2025?

Recently, the CesiumJS team has been making improvements in a variety of areas to support the 3D geospatial and visualization ecosystem. Changes in the past year have included visual quality and lighting improvements, support for additional glTF extensions, increased voxel capabilities, better clipping for 3DTilesets, and improving documentation like our guide for using CesiumJS with Webpack and Vite.

Now, we would love your input for what to see in CesiumJS in 2025 and beyond!

Please help us prioritize what you would like to see in CesiumJS. Your feedback can be as short as a vote for a topic, or a more detailed response.

  • Context around use cases helps us prioritize
  • Specific feedback or specific improvements is helpful; e.x. “More learning materials about how to control model animations” or “Add more example code in the API reference docs” are both much more helpful than “More documentation”
  • Links to existing GitHub issues are welcome

A few things on our mind:

We would also appreciate hearing from the community specific suggestions regarding documentation and learning content updates, tooling or packaging updates, and targeted performance benchmarking and optimization that would be most helpful to you.

To incorporate your feedback into the roadmap, we’d love your input by the middle of February. However, we always value your input, so please feel free to add anything afterwards if it comes to mind.

The CesiumJS team