I have 2 viewers with different layers (viewer1 and viewer2)
How can i have the same action in my viewers.
- if i move the globe in viewer1 i want the same move in viewer2
- if i have a mouseclick Event on the first globe i want to show the same Event on the 2nd.
- ...
var viewer1 = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
//Add 2. viewer
var viewer2 = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
Hello Hannah
thank you for your help but the 2nd view doesn't move. I tried this before and it just works by replicating the scene posiion but not with the camera position. I tried also with lat/lon position and globe coordinates in a specific scene and camera position, with setView and lookAt,... but it doesn't. May be i do something wrong. Did you or someone try to run it?
i used this updated code to copy the globe movement (rotation and zoom). I want to add also the ClickEvents (ScreenSpaceEvent). How can i show the masterview-clik to the slaveview? Can someone help me?
var masterViewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer1');
var slaveViewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer2');
var masterCamera = masterViewer.scene.camera;
var slaveCamera = slaveViewer.scene.camera;
Hello Hannah,
i have an old globe A and the modern globe B. i want to compare the 2 globes (2 views), bind rotation with your code above and show a clicked point A in B and the other way round. The maps are different.
--> i want to replicate actions and clicks that happen from A to B and B to A depending on the view in action.
--> I want that B moves if a moves but i don't know how to reverse the action with your code.
--> if right click show the coordinates in A, i want to see the same point (position) in B at the same time.