3D cities comparison to google earth

Hey all,
I am just wondering what the direction is for having 3D cities. I know that there are cities being done currently by the community, however, I was wondering about Australian cities more specifically. Is there a plan/timeline for creating cities?

Also, would we be able to export these 3D maps to use the models?

As I am looking to export the 3D map of port Melbourne and the surrounding bay area for a simulation project.

Google Earth has the ability to export this data really easily, so I was looking to find something that can do the same thing, whilst continuing to be updated for the future (since the recent decision to discontinue it).


Hi Daniel,

Cesium will ultimately use a combination of open and commercial data sources for 3D buildings. This is all part of the 3D Tiles work.

As for export, it depends on the terms of the data provider, but if you are looking for something near-term, you might want to go directly to the data provider. The Cesium team at AGI has been working with CyberCity 3D.
