Hi everyone,
I need some ideas to show my 3D Tiles with better quality. I created a model and updated it in Cesium, also i uploaded that file into the Infraworks and i saw a noticeable difference in quality. Is there any way to increase model quality in Cesium?
I uploaded images for you to check both of them.
Thank you,
This is Infraworks:
This is Cesium:
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Hi there,
It looks like Infraworks has a few setting enabled that are not enabled by default in CesiumJS:
- Using antialiasing will avoid the artifacts around areas with high detail
- Alternative lighting can help enhance your scene. It also looks like Infraworks may be using Image-based lighting.
Shadows will work alongside the lighting to add realism
Ambient occlusion is useful to make BIM/architecture model details more apparent
There may be other differences as well, but I’m not familiar with all of Infraworks’s visual quality settings.