Hi everyone. I just uploaded my first 3D model of a church (made in RealityCapture with 1400 drone images) and I must be doing something wrong. I uploaded a large 10M tris - 8k textures version (440MB zipped) and it looks even worse than a simplified 1M tris version (.obj) does in Meshlab. Far worse. I wanted to share screenshots, but as a new user I’m not allowed to, apparently. But maybe somebody can shed some light on this anyway?
Welcome to the Cesium community!
I’m looking into why new members can’t upload images - in the meantime I’ve manually increased your “trust level” so you should be able to post images now I think.
How are you viewing the mesh? Are you using Cesium Stories, or a custom CesiumJS app?
Generally, when you upload a large model and tile it into 3D Tiles, it’ll stream in the model based on how close the camera is, how large the screen resolution is etc so you can view models of any scale without overwhelming the device memory/resources.
If you’re viewing the 3D Tileset in CesiumJS, you can tweak the quality setting using the maximumScreenSpaceError parameter. If you click on “Open code example” under the asset preview window in Cesium ion, that’ll open the online coding environment, where you can test this, like this:
var tileset = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(YOUR_ASSET_ID),
maximumScreenSpaceError: 8// The defaults to 16. Lower is higher quality.
Hi @omar,
Thanks for replying so soon! I’m totally new to this, so I don’t even know what this CesiumJS you speak of is. I just uploaded my model from RealityCapture into My Assets (Cesium ion). This is how it looks in my Cesium dashboard, zoomed in on a certain piece (this is the 10M tris, 8k textures version, created in RC):
And this is the simplified, 1M tris model, when viewed with Meshlab:
If you look at the asset preview on the right, and then scroll down, you’ll see this “Open complete code example” link:
That’ll open the asset loaded in the online coding/testing environment. This is where you can pass in the maximumScreenSpaceError
parameter to tweak the quality.
Is your goal to embed this model on a web-page? Or build an app around it/load other data on top?
Hi @omar,
The goal is to a) embed this model in my website and b) create a sharing link, so people can look at it as well, in the Cesium portal (but I think the latter is only possible when you have a paid version, right?)
The easiest way to do that is probably using Cesium Stories. This is how the Reality Capture model on this page is embedded: https://www.capturingreality.com/Mapping. You can find a tutorial on this here: Introduction to Cesium Stories – Cesium.
The “share” button in Cesium Stories can also give you the HTML code you need to embed this in your page.
It is possible with the free account! The paid account gives you a license to use Cesium ion commercially and more bandwidth/storage.
Cool I changed the quality to 1 here:
But I can’t save it anywhere; if I create a share link for this model in Stories, the quality remains poor:
Ok, so you would need to set up a custom app and embed that on your web-page, since Cesium Stories doesn’t allow you to override the maximum screen space error parameter.
This guide has a template for how to embed it on your page (and you’d just need to copy the code from Sandcastle there into it).
I can’t get it to work on my website unfortunately. I downloaded the code from here:
Which looks like this:
I copied the first part (head) to the head section of my own website’s HTML code and the second part (body) to the location where I want to display the model on that same website page. All I see is this now:
@EagleDrone I wouldn’t use the “Save As” button there. You should set up a basic Cesium app on your website using this guide first:
And when you have that working, then copy/paste the snippet that adds the 3D Tileset to the scene with your maximumScreenSpaceError setting.
Hello Omar, what about increasing quality in unreal engine? I want to see the more detail as possible even if I’m high in the sky. so I can see my closer point to the camera to the same quality to the furthest one.
Thank you
@daniele_pasinetti This is a rather old thread, and focussed on CesiumJS. But the basic mechanism for controlling the quality should be the same in Cesium For Unreal.
In CesiumJS, there is the parameter
maximumScreenSpaceError: 8// The defaults to 16. Lower is higher quality.
that can be passed to the tileset constructor.
This parameter also exists in Cesium For Unreal:
In Cesium For Unreal, this value can be modified in the editor. When you select a tileset in the ‘Outliner’, then there should be an entry ‘Cesium → Level Of Detail’ in the settings panel, which contains a field for the ‘Maximum Screen Space Error’ - like in the lower right of this screenshot:
Changing this value to a lower value will cause more tiles to be loaded.
(Note: When the value is too low and the tileset is very large, it will try to load a potentially huge amount of data which may not fit into the memory. But you can decrease the value slowly, to find the value that suits your needs)
If this does not answer the question, you might consider bringing it up as a new question in the ‘Cesium For Unreal’ section.
Been searching a solution to this, tried the explanation above but wasn’t able to get better results. I uploaded a .b3dm tileset produced in DJI Terra to Cesium online (ID: 2764192) the model is detailed but you have to zoom in really close. Wanted to know how this detail can be maintained when i zoom out. I too am new to cesium.
Kindly let me know steps to take to achieve this.
A first shot would be to pass a maximumScreenSpaceError
to the tileset constructor that is lower than the default. For example,
const tileset = await Cesium.Cesium3DTileset.fromIonAssetId(..., {
maximumScreenSpaceError: 8 // The default is 16
But note that this will cause higher memory requirements and lower performance.