以前はCesiumの管理画面から3Dモデルをアップロードする際に、「Create a 3D Tiles 1.1 tileset」のオプションをオフにすることで、glbファイルを3D Tile 1.0に変換できていましたが、現在はそのオプションが選択できず、3DTile 1.1に変換される認識です。
3DTile 1.0への変換設定でアップロードしたいのですが、その方法はございますか?
Hello all - We’ve been talking with this user privately and shared the following:
- The 3D Tiles 1.0 reality tiler has been deprecated for some time.
- It was removed from the ion user interface a few months ago, but it is currently still available through the API.
- We will remove it from the API in early February.
Our usage monitoring shows that this API is almost never used. If you’re one of the few still doing so, please make plans to transition.