Convert glb to 3DTile1.0

Previously, when uploading a 3D model from the Cesium admin page, it was possible to convert the glb file to 3D Tile 1.0 by turning off the “Create a 3D Tiles 1.1 tileset” option, but now that option cannot be selected and the 3DTile 1.1 The current understanding is that the file will be converted to 3DTile 1.1.
Is there a way to upload the file with the conversion setting to 3DTile 1.0?


We have recently removed the option to create a 1.0 tileset with our reality tiler. You can still access it through the API but we plan on removing it in the next few days.

Is there a specific use case that is requiring you to create a 1.0 tileset?



Thank you for your reply.

We have recently removed the option to create a 1.0 tileset with our reality tiler. You can still access it through the API

→The API is Cesium ion REST API, right?(Create a new asset/POST)

we plan on removing it in the next few days.
Is there a specific use case that is requiring you to create a 1.0 tileset?

→Yes. The system we are deploying is currently applied to the 1.0 tileset,and it has been confirmed that it does not function correctly with the 1.1 tileset.
Supporting the 1.1 tileset will take time, and since we are currently providing services with the 1.0 tileset, it would be very problematic if the 1.0 til set becomes unavailable.

When is the deletion of the API scheduled?

Thank you,