I have verified a different behavior between polylines and other entities, when setting globe to false and using a CallbackProperty function. Specifically, when I am setting globe to false, without using a CallbackProperty function in polyline positions property, everything works fine. However, when I am setting globe to false, while using a CallbackProperty function in polyline positions property, Cesium throws a rendering error. Note, that this error does not occur with other entities such as point or rectangle.
Following a previous post, I provide a sandcastle example for verification purposes. As you may see, point and rectangle entities accept a CallbackProperty function when globe is being set to false without any error.
I think that all entities should have had a consistent behavior with respect to the CallbackProperty function when globe is false.
You’re right that this is a bug, however I will point out that even after the code in Cesium is fixed, your example may still crash because you are setting followSurface : true on your polyline. Obviously, if there is no surface then you cannot configure a polyline to follow it.
(in the current code, the globe’s ellipsoid is obtained too early)
var labels = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.BillboardCollection());
//position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(west, (north + south) / 2, 0),
position : new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function() {
return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(west, (north + south) / 2, 0);
}, false),
image : Cesium.writeTextToCanvas( “Point” , { font: ‘24px Times New Roman’ }),
Thanks for your prompt response. In my previous sample code I just tried to isolate the bug.
Another relevant issue I have is with text labels. I add labels as in the following sample:
However, when using the CallbackProperty function, the label is not added at all (independently if globe is on or off). Please check here for a sandcastle sample.
Is there any other way to add text labels that are shown when globe is on or off?
Τη Πέμπτη, 23 Μαρτίου 2017 - 5:27:50 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Scott Hunter έγραψε:
Hey, you might want to checkout our Sandcastle labels example. It should give you a good idea how to use all the label features. It also looks like you’re using a mixture of the primitive and entity APIs (only entities have the Cesium.CallbackProperty. You can’t use it with a BillboardCollection since those are primitives).
Dear Rachel,
thank you for pointing me out the Sandcastle labels examples. Of course I am aware of all these which are quite useful.
I am forced to set globe to off, due to the globe transparency I need. I would have been very happy if I could use entity label with globe off, but in a previous question I had, I got that solution for labels.
So, lets go one step back and not set globe to off. If I will remove the globe background with viewer.scene.imageryLayers.removeAll() the following problems/bugs appear:
- The alpha color parameter of the viewer.scene.globe.baseColor object has not any visual effect and the globe transparency is not changed.
- The inner part of the ellipsoid is not fully transparent even if one set viewer.scene.globe.show = false. For example, a small sphere at the earth center is not visible.
Both of the above problems are demonstrated in this sandcastle example. Note that this issue has been also reported here about 1 year ago, but not fixed yet.
Please let me know If there is another way to achieve the Earth globe (semi)transparency. Then, I will avoid setting globe to off, and all its negative consequences.
Τη Παρασκευή, 24 Μαρτίου 2017 - 8:15:27 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Rachel Hwang έγραψε:
Hi Nikos,
We’ve opened a new issue for this bug here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/5146. We’ve linked to your forum request so that we can update you when we address it.
Meanwhile, unfortunately I don’t know of another way to achieve globe transparency.
Dear Rachel,
thank you for the update!
With respect to the two other issues mentioned in my last post, do I have to open as new issues in the forum? It is obvious that both are bugs that should be fixed.
Best regards,
Τη Δευτέρα, 27 Μαρτίου 2017 - 8:55:38 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Rachel Hwang έγραψε:
Hi Nikos,
Thanks for reporting the globe alpha issue! I’ve opened a new issue for it here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/5163
I linked to this forum post so that we can notify you if we make any progress on it.
As for the globe.show = false issue, this is actually by design. Right now Cesium does not support rendering anything beneath the surface of the ellipsoid. We’ve had a lot of interest in such a feature, so it’s definitely something we plan to work on, but unfortunately I’m not sure what the timeline for that is like yet.
Meanwhile, I hope you’re able to find another solution!