About streaming and rendering of terrain

I have three problems.

Problem 1:
I try to show the geojson data on terrain,so I add STK World Terrain meshes,
when I zoom in and zoom out , the view is below


is it a problem for streaming terrain?
How to fix it?

Problem 2:

when i view taipei city after add STK World Terrain meshes,that place is so strange.

How to fix it?

Problem 3:

About terrain
can I use my tif file, if it is so bad after terrain ?
How to do?

thank you!

persimon...@gmail.com於 2016年7月22日星期五 UTC+8下午3時22分57秒寫道:

I have three problems.

Problem 1:
I try to show the geojson data on terrain,so I add STK World Terrain meshes,
when I zoom in and zoom out , the view is below





is it a problem for streaming terrain?
How to fix it?

Problem 2:

when i view taipei city after add STK World Terrain meshes,that place is so strange.

How to fix it?

Problem 3:

About terrain
can I use my tif file, if it is so bad after terrain ?
How to do?

thank you!

code below

      var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {});
            var terrainSamplePositions = ;
            var promise = dataSource_r600_geojson.load('/SubareaGrid.geojson');
            promise.then(function (dataSource2) {

        var colorHash = {};
                for (var i = 0; i < entities2.length; i++) {

                    var entity = entities2[i];
                    var name = entity.properties.GRID_CODE;//依CLASS

                        entity.polygon.material = new Cesium.Color(0,1,0,0.8);
                        entity.polygon.outline = false;
                        entity.polygon.material = new Cesium.Color(0,0,1,0.8);
                        entity.polygon.outline = false;
                        entity.polygon.material = new Cesium.Color(1,1,0,0.8);
                        entity.polygon.outline = false;
                        entity.polygon.material = new Cesium.Color(1,0,1,0.8);
                        entity.polygon.outline = false;

                        entity.polygon.material = new Cesium.Color(1,0,0,0.8);
                        entity.polygon.outline = false;


                    // TODO: More sanity checking for undefined values etc.
                    var position = entity.polygon.hierarchy.getValue().positions[0];



                // Asking for terrain heights is asynchronous, because the answer may
                // reside on the terrain server.
                Cesium.when(Cesium.sampleTerrain(viewer.terrainProvider, 12, terrainSamplePositions), function () {
                    for (var i = 0; i < entities2.length; i++) {
                        var entity = entities2[i];
                        var terrainHeight = terrainSamplePositions[i].height;
                        var name = entity.properties.GRID_CODE;
                        //test 2
                            // The bottom of the building sits on the terrain.
                            entity.polygon.height = 0.1;//
                            // The top of the building adds the building height to the terrain height.
                            entity.polygon.extrudedHeight = 0;//拔高
                            entity.polygon.height = terrainHeight+1;
                            entity.polygon.extrudedHeight = 0;
                            entity.polygon.height = terrainHeight+2;
                            entity.polygon.extrudedHeight = 0;

                            entity.polygon.height = terrainHeight+3;
                            entity.polygon.extrudedHeight = 0;
                            entity.polygon.height = terrainHeight+4;
                            entity.polygon.extrudedHeight = 0;

the SubareaGrid.geojson as below

I solved my problem,just use setTimeout.
through globe.getHeight randomly returns 'undefined' · Issue #3411 · CesiumGS/cesium · GitHub