1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.
I’m building a big app all based on react and resium. i’m getting trouble with the 3D tilesset. the component’s url doesnt receive anything and nothing happens in the component. i see the viewer but none of the dunctions are fired from the Cesium3Dtileset component.
looked for solutions in webpack and didnt find any.
2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
No. My problem is with destroying the viewer, models and primitives. I allways get an error which crashes my app.
The models are created by resium Model component.
In general. I combign resium and cesiums javascript so i trying to find the right way to leave the cesium enviroment without getting any errors
בתאריך יום ה׳, 8 ביולי 2021, 12:31, מאת Pontus Nilsson via Cesium Community <cesium@discoursemail.com>:
What error is it? so you are destroying the viewer with viewer.destroy() ? In general i use resium components and for the code and functions i use the viewer variable that you create. Not sure i can help you but will try.
yes. this is exacly how i use resium too. i attached the error.
I think it happens because the viewer is destroyed and then a functionality is called in the Model component in it. which i know doesnt make sense because the model component is inside the viewer compoment. so i tried “viewer.pimitives.removeAll” before destroying the viewer and that doesnt help.
Can you share the right way to close a Resium environment with Model components inside it?