I’m unable to render the measurement tool with the help of cesiumJS, then i got to know, cesiumJS wont support measurement tools, we need to go for cesium ion SDK, how to acheive the cesium ion sdk and how to use that library to build measurement tool UI widget. Can anyone help me with this?
you need to purchase it.
Hi, so do you mean that once you have cesium js setup in the browser to be able to render and interact with 3d models if you need measurements also on top of it you need to buy cesium ion SDK?
What actually cesium ion SDK is ? is it some client side library like cesiumjs or is it a club of many things including client side library tools and widgets?
I am having a setup where I am self hosting 3d models and using cesiumjs to view those in the browser, now If I want to add measurements what all things do I need to add in this given setup?
Help will be really appreciated.