Calibration of Tiles with Height Variable

I’m trying to make program that shows the world when sea levels have risen by specified amounts. There is a height difference between the sea level tiles and the Cesium Globe Anchors height at 0 as demonstrated by the attached images. Does this have something to do with the way the tiles were scanned or is there a formula I can use that will calibrate objects with the tiles sea level? Any insight is greatly appreciated!

Hi @JoyJacksonThomas, welcome to the community!

Cesium for Unity uses the WGS84 ellipsoid model, so the Height of the Cesium Globe Anchor actually refers to the height above that ellipsoid. This previous forum thread is similar to your concern and might be helpful:

Let us know if you have any follow-up questions or concerns :smile:

The EGM98 model solved it, thank you so much! :partying_face:

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