Can czml files be loaded in the scene using primitive?

Can czml files be loaded in the scene using primitive in cesiumJs?

// The following one seems to be loaded in the form of entity
viewer.dataSources.add( Cesium.CzmlDataSource.load("static/data/czml/camera.czml);

Not directly. Loading CZML uses the Entity system. The Entity system uses Primitives under the hood to render.

If you want to bypass the Entity system, you will likely need to implement a custom solution.

I’m curious, why are you looking to load primitive directly?

Thank you, because I saw that the performance of Primitive is better than that of Entity, so I considered replacing the way of loading

Got it, thanks! If you are not running into performance issues, there may be no need to further optimize.

If you are seeing performance issues, there may be other ways to approach solving them. If that is the case, I would suggest providing a Sandcastle example which demonstrates any issues you’re running into.