Cannot package app

Hi Kevin,

I am reviving this thread because I am running into the same issue.

I am trying to build my Unreal engine 5.3.2 project with Cesium for Unreal and the nDisplay plugin. I got the Cesium for Unreal plugin from the Epic Game Launcher/Fab marketplace. With both plugins on, I am getting linking errors with the tinyxml2 library.

The problem is, all questions point to this thread and the other github link here but the current version of CesiumRuntime.Build.cs does not contain any line referencing the tinyxml2 library for me to comment out nor is it in the third party library section yet.

Is there another plugin I need to add or a different line I need to remove?

EDIT: See solution at this thread Packaging with ndisplay plugin and TinyXML2 issue - #2 by Kevin_Ring