Packaging with ndisplay plugin and TinyXML2 issue

Hello All,

I am trying to build my Unreal engine 5.3.2 project with Cesium for Unreal and the nDisplay plugin. I acquired the Cesium for Unreal plugin from the Epic Games/Fab Marketplace. Without the nDisplay plugin, it compiles perfectly fine. With it, I am getting linking errors with the tinyxml2 library.

I have been searching this community and others to find answers and there are for the formatting of unreal 5.0/5.1 CesiumRuntime.Build.CS here but that files structure is different so I cannot comment out the conflicting tinyxml2 library.

Is there another plugin I need to add or a different line I need to remove?


Hi @aedanwells,
Newer versions of Cesium for Unreal find libraries by querying a directory instead of listing them explicitly in So the equivalent of commenting out that line is to delete Source/ThirdParty/lib/[your platform]/tinyxml2.lib from the Cesium for Unreal plugin directory (C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\CesiumForUnreal_5.3 in a typical Windows installation). I suggest backing it up somewhere first.

I can’t promise this will solve your nDisplay problem, but it’s worth a try.

You may also need to “touch” the file to get it to pick up the change. Just make small edit to whitespace or whatever and save it.