5.1 was successful 5.2 Packaging Failure
The plugins downloaded and installed by others in the market can be successfully packaged, but I copied them and still failed to package them
Can you explain in more detail what you mean by:
The plugins downloaded and installed by others in the market can be successfully packaged, but I copied them and still failed to package them
I can’t quite follow what you did leading up to these errors.
Don’t consider the above content,When using cesium and pixel-stream together, this issue occurs when packaging Linux
Sorry, I still don’t know what you’re saying or asking. If it helps, we don’t mind if users post in their native language and we’ll translate it.
There is a problem currently with packaging Cesium for Unreal and Pixel Streaming together in UE 5.4 (perhaps you even wrote this issue!):
opened 07:14AM - 11 May 24 UTC
closed 03:21PM - 29 May 24 UTC
Hello everyone, When i use both Pixelstreaming and CesiumForUnreal, when I packi… ng the project,the problem happened!!
I found a similar problem in https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-native/commit/cd67f6f4094324414fd416fec8d5c837cdc75287, should the native update or ?
> webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: "char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(unsigned int,char *)" (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEADIPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: "char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(int,char *)" (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEADHPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: "char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(unsigned __int64,char *)" (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEAD_KPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: "char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(__int64,char *)" (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEAD_JPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: "unsigned __int64 __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::SixDigitsToBuffer(double,char *)" (?SixDigitsToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YA_KNPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Creating library D:\Code\ESDemoCPP\Binaries\Win64\ESDemoCPP-Win64-Shipping.lib and object D:\Code\ESDemoCPP\Binaries\Win64\ESDemoCPP-Win64-Shipping.exp
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): D:\Code\ESDemoCPP\Binaries\Win64\ESDemoCPP-Win64-Shipping.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
If that’s what you’re running into, it will be fixed in next week’s release.
If you’re running into a different problem (you mention UE 5.2 above), then please describe it in more detail, because I can’t help solve a problem that I don’t understand.