Unreal 5.4.1 Error when packaging


Please see below error when packaging using Cesium 5.4.1 and latest Cesium build.

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: “char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(unsigned int,char *)” (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEADIPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: “char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(int,char *)” (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEADHPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: “char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(unsigned __int64,char *)” (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEAD_KPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: “char * __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::FastIntToBuffer(__int64,char *)” (?FastIntToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YAPEAD_JPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): webrtc.lib(numbers.obj) : error LNK2005: “unsigned __int64 __cdecl absl::numbers_internal::SixDigitsToBuffer(double,char *)” (?SixDigitsToBuffer@numbers_internal@absl@@YA_KNPEAD@Z) already defined in s2geometry.lib(numbers.obj)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Creating library C:\Users\coued\OneDrive\Bureau\sego\MyProject21\Binaries\Win64\MyProject21.lib and object C:\Users\coued\OneDrive\Bureau\sego\MyProject21\Binaries\Win64\MyProject21.exp

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): C:\Users\coued\OneDrive\Bureau\sego\MyProject21\Binaries\Win64\MyProject21.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Total time in Parallel executor: 23.22 seconds

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Total execution time: 42.28 seconds

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Took 42.45s to run dotnet.exe, ExitCode=6

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\coued\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.4\UBA-MyProject21-Win64-Development.txt)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 45s

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD FAILED

PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

It looks like you’re running into this issue:

I don’t know of a workaround at this time, other than disabling either the Pixel Streaming or Cesium plugins, or reverting to UE 5.3.

Hi Kevin, trouble is we use pixel streaming and require UE5.4 for new encoding methods + use Cesium on a regular basis.

Do you know why it does this in 5.4 but not previous versions? Is there anything within the Cesium plugin that could be adjusted as a workaround? Thanks

I am having the same problem. Using them both as well. Can’t revert.

It’s a new problem in UE 5.4 because the third-party libraries used by Pixel Streaming changed in UE 5.4. I’m not aware of any workaround.

Thanks. Is there anyone at Cesium that may be able to assist? I was going to use Cesium offline, but seems it doesn’t support Google 3D tiles.

Is there anyone at Cesium that may be able to assist?

I’m the lead developer of Cesium for Unreal, so I’m likely best placed to assist. If you’re working with someone from sales or BD at Cesium, feel free to ask them to put pressure on me to prioritize a fix for this. We also welcome pull requests if your team has the development capacity to tackle it yourself.

I was going to use Cesium offline, but seems it doesn’t support Google 3D tiles.

Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by this.

No worries Kevin, sorry they may not have come across well from me. Appreciate the help.

Seems alingkumo has found a good fix. We’ll try that also.