Can't open cesiumjs site 404 not found error

When I open by laptop, I see not found 404 error.
But I can open it by mobile!

Hi @Keyhan, our website should be accessible anywhere you have internet access. I would check your network settings and if it’s a work laptop contact your IT department.

Thanks for your answer,Now the site doesn’t open even on mobile!
how can I open other sites (with laptop and mobile) like Python, w3schools, and even community.cesium, and sites inside Iran? But when I open Cesium, it gives a 404 error??? But when I use VPN, Cesium opens! Even the tutorial codes in the quick start section don’t work properly for me without VPN. Have you banned our country?

Hi Keyhan,

I’m sure this is frustrating. Cesium is required by U.S. federal regulation to block access to some of our services from certain countries, including Iran. To ensure we comply, we block all access to Such regulations don’t apply to all sites or services, which is why you can reach most U.S.-based sites but not others.


Lisa Bos
Product manager, Cesium ion